Tuesday, 10. July 2007

MF-Blog now on www.mf-blog.net

only a reminder ^^


Wednesday, 6. June 2007

laFraise Mademoiselle

Yeah, yesterday we launched our new sub-competition and new line on laFraise.com: Mademoiselle! I’m very curious about the first german (and international) submissions for ladies-stuff. So, let’s rock the new female line. Step to your pens, make the freshest design, submit it and who knows, maybe u will be the winner of 1.000 €!

Here our official press release:
To all the fashion loving ladies out there (and to all the guys who love them), get ready to look fabulous and feminine thanks to our new laFraise design collection : laFraise Mademoiselle!

Although women love our laFraise t-shirts, they also wish to find apparel which fully compliments their divine silhouettes. LaFraise will offer a solution to that dilemma: from now on, our new Mademoiselle line will combine design, femininity and swank.

This fresh concept will bring ebullient vitality and creative energy to the traditional design scene – just what Mademoiselles need.
We invite all designers to celebrate the love of the delicate gender on laFraise by illustrating an ultra-feminine canvas in an all new part of the laFraise Competition.

Every week, a €1000 prize will be awarded to the creator of the beautiful design that will embellish the 500-piece limited-edition of female cut apparel. To kick-start this new line in style, we will print the 2 runners-up from the Women’s Week competition! So check them out on laFraise.com.

Tuesday, 8. May 2007

MF-Blog with new URL: www.mf-blog.net

YEAH, after 10 months of blogging MF-Blog got a new face and his own domain. Now I report from www.mf-blog.net. Sorry for the trouble, but i think, it´s a established step to enhance with MF Blog.
So, we see ... ähh read us on the new MF-Blog ;) chEErs, Mike

Friday, 4. May 2007

summer test camp

Yeah, end of april and the summer is coming. So i made a little "test-camping" last weekend. Where? At germany's ostsee, exactly Dierhagen/Darß. 3 days of chilling, grilling and no internet ^^. Very sunny days but very frozen nights, also. But fortunately, I bought a new sleeping bag, so the weather can't kill me! ^^ Have a nice weekend! chEErz, Mike


Thursday, 26. April 2007

Futura 2000

Yeah, found this one by daily "youtube-checking". great and fast artwork from Futuram 2000. Short and dirty, hehe. Enjoy.

Saturday, 21. April 2007

Creaturen der Nacht

Once again I meet the Creaturen der Nacht. This time at their video shooting for the new campaign video against fascism. The videotrack 'Wir sagen NEIN' is available soon. So stay tuned. For some impressions of the making of, please have a visit on my Flickr.


Wednesday, 11. April 2007

2nd siXsiXsiX customized Munny 8"

Some days of holiday and i finished my second customized 8" Munny. Yeah, i love Hellraiser´s Pinhead and so..TADA! hope u like him :)
The Guy was painted with acrylic. And be sure, the third Munny will follow soon, hehe.


Sunday, 8. April 2007


Yeah, it's time for a new header.
A shot of me composed with some other stuff and tadaa...the 3rd mf-blog-header was finished. Here's the small history. And i think, for future we could do with a monthly changed header, or? hehe. Stay tuned and Happy Easter!


Friday, 6. April 2007


Today I made some shots around Alexanderplatz in Berlin. The weather was shitty, no light, but this gives a special athmosphere. And the most of them are 'indoor-shots'. For a higher resolution, please go to my Flickr-profile.
Ahhh, and Happy Easter for all readers of MF-BLog.


Saturday, 31. March 2007

siXsiXsiX customized Munny 8"

Today I finished my first customized Munny. The siXsiXsiX Advocat was painted with acrylic on the glowing billet of the 8"-version. Yeah. I hope you like him. And I know, more siXsiXsiX Munnys will follow, hehe.


Monday, 26. March 2007

Special Competition on laFraise.com

It´s time for a Special on www.laFraise.com! On the occation of the JAX 2007 (Germanys biggest conference for IT-Guys) we start a Special Competition on the German part of laFraise.
Until this week u can create and submit your freshest design for the 'dry IT-Guys' :D. The Winner get 1.000 Euro and his design will be printed on a strong limited Edition of 150 American Apparel-Shirts.
More Infos for the contest u can find on the German Blog of laFraise. Have Fun!


Tuesday, 20. March 2007

bloodybunny meets laFraise again

For the Special Ladies Week on laFraise.com I interviewed the female Berlin Designer bloodybunny again. But for this time, it´s not a regular interview. Rather it´s a little sightseeing to her cute and crazy accessory stuff. For more informations have a look on the German Blog of laFraise.


Saturday, 17. March 2007

siXsiXsiX Electric Guitar

Yeah, after a long and hard time of work I finish the first customized electric Guitar for my Label siXsiXsiX. Everybody who knows me, knows, that i´m fascinated by the darkness. so, it´s not a surprise, that the first siXsiXsiX-Lady will be a dark organic guitar. I hope, you enjoy it. :)

Have a nice weekend. Best, Mike


Thursday, 15. March 2007

Ladies Week on laFraise.com


As you may know, March 8th was Women's Day. However at laFraise.com, we believe that one day is far from being enough! A week-long tribute would be a thousand times better !

So from the 19th to the 25th of March, the biggest European t-shirt design competition will be all about girls: we invited our illustrators and graphic designers to think-up woman oriented t-shirts.

Our Women's week does not only consist in this design competition: numerous initiatives, surprises and interviews will enrich these seven days dedicated to the ladies.

On the menu of Women's Week:
- Every day: image-laden portraits of Female bloggers and geekettes showing-off their favourite designer object.
- Shopping guide: the best fashion and design shops on the web.
- Every other day, one of the winning designs will be announced and made available right away in the shop.
As well as surprises and fun competitions.

So, we will be happy to see you on www.laFraise.com :)

About laFraise :
laFraise.com is Europe's largest t-shirt design contest. Everyday, hundreds of talented designers and illustrators submit their creations that are rated - praised or flamed - by our thousands of members. The winners are awarded 1000 euros and their designs get printed in a 500 t-shirt limited edition.

Best, Mike




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Last update: 24. Aug, 02:00


Mike Friedrich mike@siXsiXsiX-berlin.com © 2006-2008 siXsiXsiX